If you are 70.5+ years young, please consider making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). A QCD is a direct transfer of funds from an IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year. Also, QCDs don't require itemization, which due to the recent tax law changes, means you can take advantage of the higher standard deduction, but still use a QCD for charitable giving. QCDs can be made in consultation with your financial planner or your IRA custodian.
To direct your QCD to Friends of the SFPL, please provide the following information: Name: Friends and Foundation of the San Francisco Public Library 501(c)(3) tax ID number: 94-6085452 Address: 1630 17th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 Attn: Sharon Chen, Development Assistant
Information on all ways to give can be found at FriendsSFPL.org/Support or by contacting Sharon Chen, Development Assistant at 415-477-5232 or[email protected].