JOIN US! Donate Now & Receive Member Benefits: - Invitations to special events - Discounts on books - SFPL's At The Library publication & more! |
SFPL offers free jobs and careers programs!
Get FREE one-on-one coaching, job search workshops, tech help, and unlimited access to career development resources at San Francisco Public Library. |
freewillTo support the San Francisco Public Library, please consider leaving a gift to Friends in your will. FreeWill is an online resource that enables you to create a will with no cost or fees.
Main Library (100 Larkin St. San Francisco) 30 Grove Street entrance |
Stop by, say hello and buy books to support our San Francisco Public Library! All current Friends' members receive 10% off all book purchases.
Monday-Thursday: 10am-5pm Friday: 12pm-6pm Saturday: 10am-5pm Sunday: 12pm-6pm Can't make it to the Main Library? Shop our online Friends Bookstore! |
Address: 1630 17th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
(between Carolina & Wisconsin) Book Donation Center: (415) 522-8606 All book donations are by appointment only. Please book your appointment online. Click here for more information about donations. |
“I donate at the Leadership Circle level because I believe the SFPL, with its strong network of community branches, provides an invaluable service to people of all ages, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds. The SFPL is a great unifier, one that levels the playing field in a city that has its share of challenges emanating from robust but uneven growth. During a difficult year, I applaud SFPL for successfully expanding its role to meet immediate needs while also staying true to its core mission.” -Vishal Saluja, Board Member |
"The Library is transforming to meet
new and emerging challenges such as connecting communities digitally and engaging youth in creating the future. Our library is ensuring that everyone has a chance to succeed." Marie Ciepiela Former Executive Director, Friends of San Francisco Library |
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